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  •      Website Localization

    Did you know that...
    According to a survey available on, more than half of the Internet users have another native language than British or American English?

    Over 100 millions people are accessing every day the Internet in another language than English.

    Voin Technical Translations (VTT) is offering specialized website localization services in the languages we are activating. The experience of our translations in the software localization field can only help us offering better quality website localization services.

    This site, for instance, has been internally localized from Romanian into English and French by or team. Please feel free to walk through all its variants and you will be conviced of the quality of our services!

    Why should I localize my website?

    Because, according to a survey by Forrester Research, visitors are spending twice as much time on a website if that website is rediged in their native language. Also, it is four times more likely for a customer to acquire a product/service if the website is rediged in customer's native language (according to


    In other words, localizing your website is equivalent to profit! Why? Because by localizing your website you will attract more visitators that will spend more time on your website, and they will be more tempted to acquire your products/services. Voin Technical Translations (VTT) will thus help your extend your business on the international market, passing on to your customers, in their languages, a correct picture of your products and/or services.

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